The European Commission recognises the importance of anti-doping in recreational sport, though the lack of cooperation between institutions and stakeholders risks letting doping in recreational become a cause of public health concern. The FAIR+ project, a direct follow-up of the FAIR project, seeked to offer greater insight onto the prevalence of doping across recreational sport in Europe (learn more with EuropeActive's information paper on doping in recreational sport).
- To look into the existing prevalence of doping in recreational sport through a sample-based research, and investigate the societal and psychological motivations behind the use of doping at amateur level.
- To produce the FAIR+ Educational Guidelines that will provide several recommendations on how to implement effective educational campaigns targeting recreational sport coaches, instructors, and trainers, and which will look at providing indicators to assess impact. This work will be based on qualitative research performed with major doping stakeholders.
- To organise the annual Forum for Anti-Doping in Recreational Sport. The Forum has established itself as one of the most relevant European anti-doping events gathering experts, institutions and stakeholders to exchange on current policies and challenges. Since 2017, the Forum has contributed to raise policy-makers’ awareness of doping in recreational sport as a societal and public health concern, and it strives to foster further EU-level cooperation, networking and sharing of good practices and ideas.
Results from the 1st European Randomized Response Technique survey
FAIR+, IO2, Investigate the psychological motivations behind the use of doping in recreational sport
FAIR+ IO3- Guidelines for Anti-Doping Education for Coaches, Instructors, and Trainers who are actively engaged in Recreational Sport
FAIR+ IO4- European Commitment for Action to Anti-Doping for Recreational Sport
FAIR+ IO3- Richtsnoeren voor antidopingeducatie voor coaches, instructeurs en trainers die actief zijn in de recreatieve sport
FAIR+ IO3- Retningslinjer for uddannelse i antidoping for coaches, instruktører og trænere, som er aktivt involveret i fritidssport
FAIR+ IO3- Retningslinjer for antidopingutdanning for coacher, instruktører og trenere som er aktivt engasjert i fritidsidrett
FAIR+ IO3- Richtsnoeren voor antidopingeducatie voor coaches, instructeurs en trainers die actief zijn in de recreatieve sport
FAIR+ IO3- Linee guida sull’educazione antidoping di allenatori, istruttori e preparatori impegnati attivamente nello sport ricreativo
FAIR+ IO3- (GREEK) Guidelines for Anti-Doping Education for Coaches, Instructors, and Trainers who are actively engaged in Recreational Sport
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