EuropeActive's Directory
We are proudly supported by our Partners, Members and Councils.
EuropeActive Directory is more than a directory; it's a movement towards a healthier, more active Europe. By joining our community, you're not just finding a place to fit in; you're helping to lead the way in making fitness and wellness accessible and enjoyable for all. Share your story, connect with like-minded individuals, and contribute to a collective mission that celebrates health, happiness, and the joy of movement.
Explore, Connect, and Inspire
Our member & partner network is segmented into four categories: Vanguard Partners, National Associations, Partners and Members. Click through the tabs to explore our dynamic network. We are proud to promote our powerful community working together to get more people, more active more often!
President's Council
Celebrating our President's Council
Our leading partners in the fitness and physical activity sector are companies aiming to navigate and shape the European industry, establishing trends, standards, and policies, and actively engaging in events.
EuropeActive Partners
Proudly Promoting Our Partners
Introducing EuropeActive Partners: Forward-thinking businesses in the fitness and physical activity sector, dedicated to fostering connections, leading industry trends, setting standards, shaping policies, and actively engaging in events to drive growth and development within the European landscape.
EuropeActive Members
EuropeActive Members
Introducing our members, committed to forging connections within the European industry, staying abreast of sector trends, standards, policies, and actively participating in events to enhance their professional network and industry knowledge.
National Association Partners
Empowering National Associations: United in Movement
EuropeActive's National Associations are key players in elevating the fitness and wellness landscape across Europe. They advocate for quality, innovation, and community health, shaping the future of physical activity. Together, we're building a more active and unified Europe.