FAIR+ project partners met online on 16-17 June to discuss the two projects’ technical expert groups (TEGs) surveys. TEG1 survey will investigate the prevalence of doping in recreational sport and the psychological considerations behind its use, whereas TEG2 survey will provide a review of anti-doping education programmes and activities targeting recreational coaches by reaching out National Anti-Doping Organisations, International Federations and other sport and fitness organisations.
TEG1 survey
The research, targeting recreational sport athlete, will be launched in 2021 after the conclusion of a pilot test in the next autumn. The survey will be based on the methodology developed by Prof Werner from University of Saarland called “randomized response technique” which also guarantee anonymity. The survey data collection will be supported by various European NADOs and the European Commission.
TEG2 survey
The aim of the study is to provide a framework of principles, guidelines and tools on how organizations and countries themselves may evaluate and measure the short and long terms effects of their own educational programmes and consequently build up suitable and sustainable educational programmes for coaches. The guidelines to be developed will have a focus on the role of coaches in modern society and consequently why they are also important in the fight against doping. The survey will be launched this summer.
For more information on the FAIR+ project, click here.